Touken Ranbu Wiki
For a list of characters in the game, see Characters.
For more info on Recollections (回想) on the 2nd tab in Sword Library page, see Recollections.

Sword Library main page

Sword Library, or Sword Catalog (刀帳) is where the game lists out your sword collection, unlocked sword images, background music and information about them in the game.

When you obtain a new sword in the inventory, its character page will be unlocked in the Sword Library. Swords that are available in the game but not obtained by you yet will be shown with a blank (空).

Swords are arranged according to the Sword Number shown on top of the character image. The Kiwame sword version will be shown next to the sword's Normal version when it is made available in the game.


Sorting function

You can also choose to sort the swords display by clicking the Sorting button at the top right of the page.

Character information[]


Character page in Sword Library

Clicking the image of the character will show a new popup with information about the sword. The Character's Book Description line will automatically play with the popup. Click the Replay or Audio Playback (音声再生) button to replay the audio again.

Next to the Replay button, click the Recording (蘇言) button to see the list of special lines available for you to unlock with Gramophones (蘇言機).

Click the Music button to listen to the full version of the Attendant Sword Background Music purchasable with instrument items obtained from Village of Treasures - Instrument Gathering Stage events.

For more details about the characters, click on their respective character pages.

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