Touken Ranbu Wiki
For more info on Refinery (錬結) on the 1st tab in Refinery page, see Refinery.
For more info on other types of sword upgrade, see Upgrades.

A new game feature, "Ranbu" [乱舞] leveling was implemented into the game on September 11th, 2018. A sword's Ranbu level is different from the existing Touken (刀剣) level, and it can be increased using Fusion (習合).

Fusion value (習合値) is increased by using duplicates of the sword you want to level. Fusion can be done in the Refinery tab.

A sword's Ranbu level starts at 1 and caps at 9. The upper limit level will gradually increase with new content in the future.

How to Increase Ranbu Level[]

  1. In the Refinery page, click the Fusion (習合) tab.
  2. Click the black button on the right to select a sword for Ranbu Leveling.
  3. In the Ranbu Leveling menu, the number of copies needed to increase Ranbu Level of the selected sword is shown under the sword portrait. The content that will be unlocked upon reaching the next Ranbu Level is also shown; see below for each level's upgrades.
    1. Click the portraits on the right to individually select duplicate swords for Fusion.
    2. Or, click the Select All button to select all available duplicates.
  4. Click the blue button at the bottom to confirm selection.
  5. A confirmation screen will appear before Fusion occurs. Click the green button (はい) to confirm, or click the black button (いいえ) to return to the selection menu.

Sword Duplicate Requirement Chart[]

180822 Ranbu-Requirements1

Swords and duplicate swords requirement chart

180822 Ranbu-Requirements2

Swords and duplicate swords requirement chart

  • The number of duplicate swords needed to level up for each sword is determined by their rarity rank.
Rarity Duplicate swords needed for Ranbu level
Lv2 Lv3 Lv4 Lv5 Lv6 Lv7 Lv8 Lv9 Total
R1 1 8 8 8 16 16 16 19 90
R2 1 7 7 7 15 15 15 18 85
R3 1 5 5 5 11 11 11 13 62
R4 1 3 3 3 7 7 7 10 41
R5 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 8 30
  • Higekiri and Hizamaru will need Rarity 4 requirements to unlock.
  • Swords will inherit their Ranbu levels even after reaching Toku and gaining their Kiwame forms.
  • Regardless of their status (Toku, Kiwame, Touken Level, Ranbu Level), the requirements for Fusion will not change.

Unlocking Ranbu Level Contents[]


Different Items unlocked for Normal/Toku and Kiwame swords

  • Items will be unlocked with each Ranbu level:
Ranbu Level Contents
Lv2 "Citadel (Poke multiple times)" line x 1
"Citadel (Injured - Poke multiple times)" line x 1
Lv3 "Smithing (Complete)" line x 1
"Repair (Complete)" line x 1
"Specific Event Banner Introduction" line x 1
"Treasures Create" line x 1
Lv4 Standard Konpeitou x 3
"Treasures Equipped" line x1
"Automatic Battle assigned" line x1
Lv5 "Background Changed" line x 1
"Troops Create (Failed)" lines x 4
"Horse Equipped" line x1
"Omamori Equipped" line x 1
Lv6 All Stats1 Cap +1
All Stats1 +1
"Front Lines Sortie (Confirmation)" line x 1
Lv7 All Stats1 Cap +1
All Stats1 +1
High Grade Konpeitou x 6
Lv8 Survival, Impact, Impulse, Scouting Stats Cap +2
Survival, Impact, Impulse, Scouting Stats +2
Lv9 Leadership, Mobility, Killing Blow Cap +2
Leadership, Mobility, Killing Blow +2
  • Different lines will be unlocked depending on if your sword is Normal/Toku or Kiwame.
  • ↑ 1: For Ranbu Lv6 & Lv7, the stats increased are Survival (生存), Impact (打撃), Leadership (銃率), Mobility (機動), Impulse (衝力), and Scouting (偵察).

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