Touken Ranbu Wiki
For a list of common enemies, see Enemies.
Kebiishi icon obtained resized

The Kebiishi (検非違使) (Justicar in the English version) is an enemy group that opposes both the Historical Revisionists and the player's forces. Their duty is to eliminate any foreign presence from the flow of time, no matter if they are trying to change history or preserve it.

The Kebiishi take their name from the historical police body that was in power during the Heian period. Thought to have been established around AD 816, the Kebiishi spread from the Imperial capital to the surrounding provinces, and acted as the Imperial police and judiciary. Their power waned with the rise of the Kamakura shogunate.

Game Mechanics[]

The Kebiishi are powerful enemies that may appear when you have cleared the boss node of a battlefield ten times, with some exceptions: they won't appear in campaign maps, and they'll never appear in 1-1: Hakodate (函館).

After clearing a map's boss node for the tenth time, a cutscene with lightning plays, indicating that the Kebiishi have spawned. Battlefields infested with the Kebiishi will be marked with a purple icon KBC-dragon when selecting it from the Front Lines menu.

While traveling on an infested battlefield, every enemy node encounter, with the exception of the boss node, has a chance of spawning the Kebiishi instead of the normal enemy pattern. The encounters are random, so it is possible for the Kebiishi to spawn more than once per run, or not at all.

As long as at least one sword in the party is above lv10, encountering Kebiishi will trigger battle with it. On the other hand, a team with all swords below level 10 can still trigger the appearance of the Kebiishi, but will not engage in any battle with the Kebiishi.

Higekiri and Hizamaru are swords that can be obtained rarely from defeating the Kebiishi. The drop rate for these two swords will depend on the battle ranking achieved. Other swords can drop from the Kebiishi as well (see below).

Once a map becomes infested with Kebiishi, there is no way to remove them from the map. If a player wants to avoid spawning Kebiishi on a map, they should always choose to return to the citadel before reaching the boss node.

Kebiishi Scaling and Spawn Patterns[]

The strength and level of the Kebiishi that you encounter each time on an enemy node will be based only on the Lv. of the highest-leveled sword in your current party on the map. You will encounter either the 4-star rarity or 5-star rarity pattern for your level range.


  Team A contains swords that are Lv10, Lv15, Lv14, Lv19, Lv13, and Lv13.
  →One of the two 10~29 Kebiishi patterns will spawn.
  Team B contains swords that are Lv10, Lv10, Lv11, Lv29, Lv11, and Lv12.
  →The 10~29 Kebiishi pattern will still spawn.
  Team C contains swords that are Lv23, Lv83, Lv12, Lv10, Lv18, and Lv14. 
  →One of the two 70~89 Kebiishi patterns will spawn.

Therefore, teams with a small level range or with swords close to the upper level limit for an enemy spawn pattern will have an easier time battling the Kebiishi. 

Yari-5 Enemy Pattern 1 (All 5-Rarity Swords)[]

Sword level Nagae Yari_放免 Oodachi_放免 Tachi_放免 Yari_放免 Yari_放免 Naginata_放免 Total Survival Total Troops
Survival Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Muskateers Troops-Enemy-Muskateers Survival Survival Survival Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Survival Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Muskateers Troops-Enemy-Muskateers Survival Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Spearmen
90~99 272 8 6 6 152 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 154 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 175 8 8 8 175 8 6 6 200 8 8 8 1128 174
70~89 252 8 6 6 148 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 144 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 150 8 8 8 150 8 6 6 192 8 8 8 1040 166
60~69 189 8 6 6 134 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 108 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 126 8 8 8 126 8 6 6 144 8 8 8 827 166
50~59 189 8 6 - 134 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 - 108 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 - 126 8 8 - 126 8 6 - 144 8 8 - 827 112
30~49 158 8 - 120 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry12 - - 90 Troops-Enemy-Elite12 - - 105 7 - - 105 7 - - 120 7 - - 698 53
10~29 72 - - - 55 - - - 32 - - - 56 - - - 56 - - - 48 - - - 319 -

※Changes based on the highest level of your team
All enemy troops are Gold (特上) except for some of the 30~49 pattern, as indicated by font color (Silver (上)).

Yari-4 Enemy Pattern 2 (All 4-Rarity Swords)[]

Sword level Nagae Yari_放免 Oodachi_放免 Tachi_放免 Tachi_放免 Yari_放免 Naginata_放免 Total Survival Total Troops
Survival Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Muskateers Troops-Enemy-Muskateers Survival Survival Survival Survival Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Muskateers Troops-Enemy-Muskateers Survival Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Spearmen Troops-Enemy-Spearmen
90~99 230 8 6 6 140 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 130 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 130 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-Shieldmen15 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 160 8 6 6 192 8 8 8 982 193
70~89 210 8 6 6 130 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 120 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 120 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 140 8 6 6 160 8 8 8 880 181
60~69 158 8 6 6 120 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 90 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 90 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 105 8 6 6 120 8 8 8 683 181
50~59 158 8 6 - 120 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry13 - 90 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 - 90 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 Troops-Enemy-Elite13 - 105 8 6 - 120 8 8 - 683 122
30~49 131 8 - - 100 Troops-Enemy-HeavyCavalry12 - - 75 Troops-Enemy-Elite12 - - 75 Troops-Enemy-Elite12 - - 87 7 - - 100 7 - - 568 58
10~29 66 - - - 53 - - - 28 - - - 28 - - - 51 - - - 43 - - - 269 -

※Changes based on the highest level of your team
All enemy troops are Gold (特上) except for some of the 30~49 pattern, as indicated by font color (Silver (上)).

Experience Gain[]

For experience gain charts of Kebiishi, see Kebiishi/Experience Gain.

Drop Trends[]

Kebiishi have a static drop rate that does not differ from map to map. Swords that usually do not drop from a particular map may drop from Kebiishi (e.g. Kebiishi may drop Tantous on World 5-4). Drops are more likely to occur at higher Victory Ranks. Moreover, there have been reports of Higekiri and Hizamaru dropping even from a B Rank Victory.

The approximate drop rates below are taken from data on Worlds 5-3, 5-4, and 6-2 (which have the largest aggregate data). Keep in mind this is an approximation, so their actual percentages may differ slightly.

Swords drop from about 98% of Kebiishi fights. The sword type ratio is approximately: Tantou (63.2%), Wakizashi (12.2%), Uchigatana (21.6%), Tachi (3.0%).
Rarity-4 or -5 Tachis, Oodachis, Yaris, and Naginatas do not drop from Kebiishi. The drop list is as follows:

Drop List
Node Sword Type Swords
Kebiishi Tantou
Imanotsurugi Atsushi Toushirou Maeda Toushirou Akita Toushirou Midare Toushirou Gokotai Yagen Toushirou Aizen Kunitoshi Sayo Samonji 
Nikkari Aoe Namazuo Toushirou Honebami Toushirou Horikawa Kunihiro 
Nakigitsune Souza Samonji Kashuu Kiyomitsu Yamatonokami Yasusada Kasen Kanesada Izuminokami Kanesada Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Hachisuka Kotetsu Heshikiri Hasebe 
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada Yamabushi Kunihiro Higekiri Hizamaru 

Map Captions[]

For map captions of Kebiishi, see Kebiishi/Map Captions.

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