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Fatigue ex

From top to bottom: A sword in Prime Condition (with sakura petals and light particles over the portrait, Great Condition (with only sakura petals over the portrait), normal, fatigued, severely fatigued, and exhausted states.

Fatigue is the exhaustion level of a particular sword from being sent out on too many sorties. As fatigue level worsens, swords tend to perform more poorly in battle.

Swords generally become fatigued as they are sent out on the Front Lines or Expeditions. Certain actions will increase or decrease fatigue by specific amounts.


Fatigue is calculated using a numeric system, in which different actions will add or subtract from a sword's fatigue value. The swords display different colored background statuses, depending on the level of fatigue they have.

The exact effects of each status are currently unconfirmed. Hypothesized effects are listed below.

Fatigue Value Status Effects
81~100 Prime Condition (Sakura Fubuki) Great increase in fighting ability (+40%)
50~80 Great Condition (Sakura Fubuki) Increase in fighting ability (+20%)
20~49 Normal status Normal status (±0%)
10~19 Fatigued Decrease in fighting ability (-20%)
0~9 Severely fatigued Severe decrease in fighting ability (-40%)
Sortie/Expedition/Practice 5 times with severely fatigued sword Exhausted Extreme decrease in fighting ability (-60%), fatigue accumulation of other swords will increase, fighting ability of already fatigued or severely fatigued swords will decrease further, expeditions will not return with Great Success, cannot be sent to repairs

Modifying Fatigue[]

Different actions will alter a sword's Fatigue level. Below is a list of the different actions that will modify Fatigue levels.

Condition Values Remarks
Default Value from Drop or Smithing 49
Automatic Recovery +3/3 min. Caps at 49; is not active while on a Sortie of any kind (Front Lines, Practice, Expedition)
Front Lines
Entering a Map Varies Event maps apply -10 Fatigue. See Front Lines for each map's Fatigue loss.
Entering a Battle Node Shingi: Power of Learning (as Captain) -5 Applies to Shichiseiken at the beginning of each battle when the special ability activates
Shingi: Power of Learning (as non-Captain) -2
Shingi: Healing Power -20 Applies to Hakusan Yoshimitsu every time the special skill activates
Entering Battle -3 Applies at the beginning of the battle
MVP Status +10
Captain +3 After a Victory (Rank C or higher)
±0 After a Defeat
Victory Rank S +4 (as a non-Captain and no MVP status) net gain is +1 (-3 for entering a battle).
Victory Rank A +3 With above conditions, net gain is ±0 (needs confirmation).
Victory Rank B +2 With above conditions, net loss is -1 (?)
Victory Rank C +1 With above conditions, net loss is -2 (?)
Defeat ±0 With above conditions, net loss is -3 (?)
Practice (PvP)
MVP Status +10
Captain +3 After a Victory (Rank C or higher)
Victory Rank Bonus ±0 Defeat is also ±0.
When an Expedition Returns -3 No automatic recovery while on an Expedition.
Exhausted swords
After resting for 6 hours (no Sorties/Expeditions/Practice matches) 0~48→49
Using Exhaustion Disperser 0~48→49
Affects selected sword
Other Situations (does not apply to Exhausted swords)
After Repairs 0~48→49
Using Sennin Dango 0~48→49
Affects current sword members in the selected party
Using Makunouchi Bento 0~59→60
Affects current sword members in the selected party
Using Oiwaijuu Bento 0~99→100 Affects current sword members in the selected party
Using special event items (Onigiri, Matcha latte macchiato, etc) 0~59→100 Can be used with only one sword or your entire team, depending on the item
Using One Bite Dango 0~69→70 Can only be used with one sword; cannot be used with a sword with 70 and above fatigue
After returning from Kiwame training 0~99→100 Also applies to swords that return using a Kiwame Training Recall Pigeon

Recovering From Fatigue[]


Formation Page Screen


Item List

As outlined above, the easiest way to recover from Fatigue is to stop going on Front Lines with a sword until they return to normal status on their own. If a sword is fatigued and damaged, repairing them with the use of a Help Token will instantly restore their Fatigue to default levels.

Another way to recover fatigue is to use Sennin Dango, Makunouchi Bento, or One Bite Dango. Using these items will instantly recover your swords' fatigue. The items can be purchased from the Shop. All three items are one-time use item, so use them wisely.

To use any of the three items, go to your Formations page (疲労回復), click the green 'Restore Fatigue' (疲労回復) button, and pick an item you want to use.

Sennin Dango[]


Sennin Dango will instantly recover swords from fatigue. The item is applied to the current sword members in the selected party.

Makunouchi Bento[]


Makunouchi Bento will grant Sakura Fubuki status to all swords in the party. Like Sennin Dango, the item is applied to the current sword members in the selected party.

One Bite Dango[]


One Bite Dango will greatly recover fatigue of a single sword when it is given to one sword. It will also grant Sakura Fubuki status to that sword. Additionally, you will be able to hear special lines when giving One Bite Dango to the swords.


A quick way to recover Fatigue and put a sword in Sakura Fubuki status is to put them by themself on a team and repeatedly go to Map 1-1. They will always experience a net gain in Fatigue levels, as they are always the Captain and MVP, even if they are above the level cap.

A sword can also be assigned the captain of the party and brought on longer maps with more battle nodes (Eras 4 and 5). If the team travels through at least three battle nodes, the captain will experience a net gain in Fatigue levels (i.e. become less tired).

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